Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Greater Geraldton - Issue No.: 450 Issue Date: 18 Dec, 2017

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PADG Dan with Jo, Dean and Lola!

Well , the day had to come eventually…..the two Blues Brothers, alone on the top table, lauding each other with sanctimonious crap. My heart sank when I thought of the late, great Don Gibson singing, “I never felt more like Singin’ The Blues”. Steve “Bluey” Muir thought they were talking about him and belatedly joined the stupidity on the top table !!

It was Club Assembly and the absentee list was extensive. From reports, Phil Martin, after quaffing extensive raspberry cordial at BAH the previous night, stated to a fellow member that his recovery was driving to a minesite rather than the stimulus of a Club Assembly !!

Terry led us in a faultless Invocation and then extolled a Christmas Thought For The Day about males going through 4 stages of Christmas.

  1. Believes in Santa Claus.

  2. Doesn’t believe in Santa Claus

  3. Dresses up as Santa Claus

  4. Looks like Santa Claus.


Great to see Jo and Dean Clarke in our midst on their Christmas pilgrimage to welcome their new grandchild.

Lola, who was very sour on Pirra for waking her up when her attendance was not required!!


Blues Brothers and Bluey, followed by those on the left hand of the Almighty, then the “plebs” on the right.

Next Week: Final meeting for the year. WEAR A CHRISTMAS HAT, TURKEYS !!

Geoff Wood

Meeting Rosters
Setup & Door
Setup & Door
Guest Speaker Host
Invocation & Toast
Raffle & Rotary Cor
Guest Speaker Thanks
Fines Master
20 Dec, 17
Stu Watson
Terry Stewart
Phil Martin
Steve Muir
Peter Svensson
Kim Stokes
Douglas Bruce
Steve Muir
10 Jan, 18
Raj Mavath
Geoff Watson
Tim Duggan
Kevin Watson
Geoff Wood
Robert Houwen
Lew Hills
17 Jan, 18
Kim Stokes
Angelo Biviano
Dan Crisp Crisp
Glenn O'Brien
Hugh Lavery
Jim Dillon
Bruce Ralph
Phil Martin
Upcoming Events
Event Name
Reg. By
Our Club
POSH Events and Function Centre
Sat, 17 Nov, 18
17 Nov, 18
Our Club
Geraldton Golf Club
Thu, 25 Apr, 19
Our Club
Batavia Hall, Geraldton Grammar School
Wed, 22 May, 19
22 May, 19
Our Club
Batavia Hall, Geraldton Grammar School
Thu, 23 May, 19
22 May, 19
Service Projects
Geraldton Foreshore
Sat, 27 Jul, 19
27 Jul, 19
Our Club
Fri, 11 Oct, 19
11 Oct, 19
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